We recognize that effective health and safety management supports good business principles and must be considered in all objectives and decisions. FHC Hospitality Furniture is committed to a systematic approach to health and safety management, namely in:
- Reduce and control risks in order to prevent incidents, injuries and occupational diseases;
- Provide and maintain safe plants and equipment;
- Achieve continuous improvement.
To support the systematic approach to health and safety management, we rely on the topics described below.
- Manage, supervise and lead by example;
- Emphasize individual responsibility and responsibility for health and safety at all levels;
- Provide necessary training, instruction, information and resources;
- Ensure that all suppliers manage health and safety in accordance with this policy;
- Measure and evaluate the accomplishment of legal requirements, standards and health and safety procedures;
- Systematically assess and review the effectiveness of the health and safety policy and management system.
We adopt the principles of sustainable development and use eco-efficiency as a reference to operate our factories with high standards of environmental management. We are committed to:
- The sustainable use of natural resources, including forest resources;
- Our facilities operate in compliance with all applicable environmental laws and regulations;
- The minimization of the environmental impact on the local and global environment;
- Continuous improvement in environmental management by setting targets and measuring performance against those targets;
- Regular reporting and public disclosure of our environmental hazard.
To that end, we will integrate responsible environmental management into all our operations. In this way, we will create a responsible environmental culture, which will contribute to the improvement of our sustainable business performance.
- Define clear roles and responsibilities at each level of our company;
- Define challenging performance criteria for each of our operations;
- Allocate the necessary resources to ensure the fulfillment of objectives;
- Educate our employees on their environmental performance;
- We invite our stakeholders to commit to our environmental commitments.